Hi, how are you doing?

Because you visit this page it’s very likely that we’ve recently met. Probably on an airport, in a plane, train or bus, in a restaurant, in a café or at any other random location somewhere in the world. 

And knowing ourselves and knowing you, we had a lively and inspiring talk and shared insights and experiences with each other.

Even though the location where we met might have been random, we believe that us meeting you was not random at all. That is simply not how the Universe works. Meeting each other was meant to be.

And it’s most likely that we can provide you with the high-quality therapeutic coaching you are looking for right now.

Please know that we have enjoyed meeting you and that we invite you to plan a Zoom call with us. Feel welcome to explore how our professional service can be of life changing benefit to you.

Just fill in the contact form at the end of this page with your details and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours on business days.

Go to contact form

This is us

We are Briant [1958] & Jaldhara [1960]. We are Dutch and we have probably already told you that we are location independent entrepreneurs.

We left The Netherlands in December 2014 and have been on the road ever since. We love Warm weather, (sea) Water and we need good Wifi. These are our favorite triple W’s.

We successfully work online with our clients via Zoom. For this to be as personal as IRL we have developed a special method that enables us to be a safe haven and the holding space for your healing, growth and transformation.

Where you are standing now

You have well-meaning parents who taught you how to behave. And who taught you who you are expected to be. 'Imposed' expectations that sooner or later start to feel tight. Because you are so much more than those  expectations that keep you trapped in an emotional state where you are not happy and unfulfilled.  

What is your biggest challenge in this era?

As a woman, you are freeing yourself from emotional and sexual male dominance. You are freeing yourself from everything that keeps you small and docile outside of you and within yourself. You learn to work with your heart energy, your emotions and your intuition and you learn to use them as your superpower.

As a man you are challenged in everything to connect with your feminine energy. You are challenged to learn to feel and acknowledge your emotions and to be vulnerable. To be emotionally present and available. And to be emotionally equal to women.

If you look at the different challenges that women and men face, you will immediately understand why every love relationship is the ultimate challenge for women & men.

But whether you are a woman or a man, your very first challenge is to stand for who YOU ā€‹ā€‹really are, and in that process to be and to stay connected with yourself and with your partner and with others.

These are exciting times

Because today it’s ok to ask yourself, ‘who am I and who do I really want to be’
It’s ok to feel if what you are doing is congruent with your soul's desire
It’s ok to stop doing what isn’t working in your life [private & business]
It’s ok to break out of all traditional family patterns that don’t work for you
It’s ok to break out of your old identity
It’s ok to tap into the new you and redefine yourself and redesign your life
It’s ok to tap into the new you and connect yourself with your authentic and autonomous soul
And it’s not only ok, it’s necessary and it’s normal.

And that's exactly what you can learn from us

We help you not only understand but we help you feel that it is your 1st challenge to stand for who YOU ā€‹ā€‹really are. And we teach you how to stay connected with yourself and with others.

And we not only teach you that in Private, but we also teach you that in your Business. To feel the same connection with yourself, with your team and with your customers, in your Business.

We believe

Once you've chosen to set yourself free, once you've gone through that process and experienced it, you can repeat it endlessly in all areas of your life.


What we see every day in our practice is that

* if you are willing and choose to do the inner work
* to break out of your oppressive expectations
* you tap into an insanely great potential within yourself
* and be & live the greatest possible version of yourself for the rest of your life

Your greatest possible potential and your greatest possible version has no end and has no limits. Once you've chosen to set yourself free, once you've gone through that process and experienced it, you can repeat it endlessly in all areas of your life.

Is this you?

Are you an entrepreneur? Are you that woman or man that is willing to do the inner work to free yourself from your emotional and mental ballast?


We are there for you

We help you clear your emotional and mental path and live your greatest possible potential and be the greatest possible version of yourself.

We not only teach you how to do that.

But we teach you how to keep doing that for the rest of your life.

Contact us  

[email protected]

Send us a message

Once you have worked with us, we will continue to follow you on social media. Here are a few random examples of how some of our customers have developed over the years:

From a dreaming artist stuck in a paralyzing depression, to a down to earth and successful serial entrepreneur who effortlessly manages million-dollar projects and writes books


From a highly gifted psychiatrist who wasn’t in touch with his emotions to the warm and emotionally available father and partner he really is.


From a smart but unhappy and lonely business woman with a failing team, to a vibrant and fulfilled business coach with a bright smile and only nice customers.


From a victim of emotional neglect and sexual abuse who struggled with deep personal trauma for life to a successful Inner Child Coach with her own practice.

From a woman with a deeply disturbed mother-relationship, who felt lifeless and never enough. To a powerful, self-confident woman with a deep inner peace and a tremendous amount of love for herself.


From a super people pleaser to someone who clearly sets boundaries and says no or yes because it is necessary. In private and in her business.



From an emotionally unavailable woman with inner child trauma because she lost her mother at a very young age to a young confident business babe who gives herself and her daughter the emotional closeness and security she never had.


From a struggling entrepreneur with an irregular income and a handful of customers to a leader in her niche who achieves record sales month after month because she has learned how to conquer and blow up the emotional blockages that hold her back.